How quickly the potency increase at home?

Man at the doctor

Among the male potency, the availability of Libido, the ability to satisfy the partner, to understand the possibility of conception. Their height depends on the content of the hormone testosterone in the blood, produced primarily in the testes.

The synthesis of the hormone weaknesses diseases: inflammatory, endocrine, circulatory System, stomach and intestines. Among the reasons of decrease in potency in men:

  • unfavorable ecological Situation;
  • frequent Stress, fatigue, lack of sleep;
  • low physical activity, Smoking, alcohol;
  • wrong diet, excess weight;
  • Age (testosterone levels in men drops to 50-60 years);
  • many drugs (diuretics, blood pressure lowering, analgesic);
  • Diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, Prostatitis.

Lack of exercise – one of the reasons for the decline of male potency, so doctors recommend sports. In the case of poor sexual health man, a Bicycle, a motorcycle, weight lifting, engage recommend.


Effectively, the mobile sports are:

  • Tennis;
  • Shaking;
  • Football;
  • swimming.

Training without fanaticism lead: daily Jogging for half an hour, 1-2 times per week visit to the swimming pool, even gym.

How to fix potency at home with herbs

A simple household method for the improvement of erection is the intake of tinctures and decoctions of medicinal plants, the increased effectiveness due to the normalization of blood circulation in the male Penis.


Again, the potency of man at home, ginger root, normalizes blood circulation, strengthens to allow the immune system, improves the quality of sperm and volume of ejaculate. Take ginger, raw marinated, of the dried root powder.

In the morning you can drink ginger tea. Ground, 1.5-2 cm of peeled root, add a twist of lemon, pour a glass of boiling water, close the lid. After 10 min. flavored drink is ready.

Bay leaf

Behaves as a sedative, hypotensive, immunomodulating agents, the leaves of the Laurel have a positive effect on potency, improve erection. Do not use them in small quantities, in order to provoke, the man has gall stone, or kidney stone disease.

The Infusion, Bay 1 Bay leaf Cup of boiling water. Lids, 15-20 min. incubated to Drink in 3 divided doses before meals.


Rich in vitamins, sweet smells, and antioxidants to garlic, the blood circulation, improves tone of the men, and the erectile function increased. As a natural aphrodisiac, it the duration of sexual intercourse, increases the thrill.

Increases the potency of the tincture, for the preparation of 100 G of chopped garlic, you pour 250 ml of vodka, insist in the dark for 7-10 days. Take a month, before meals 10 drops in a small amount of milk.


The funds from the Ginseng root can you quickly improve erectile function in the home. The greatest effect is in times of Stress, fatigue, lowering of immunity.


The fruit of the plant substances to improve the cardiovascular System, promote substances, the excretion of toxins, accelerates metabolism, increase immunity.

Hawthorn recommend to improve male potency, caused by nervous exhaustion, constant fatigue. It increases the blood flow to the Penis, thus enhancing the quality and duration of Sex.

From the dried fruits you can cook a tea, decoction, and even juice:

  • The tea, infused overnight in a thermos (2-3 dozen berries to 1 litre of boiling water), drink three times a day on a half-glass;
  • for a handful of broth of dried berries with boiling water (0.5 L), in a sealed container for 30 minutes, incubated take 50 ml;
  • 0.5 kg of finely chopped fresh fruit to the boil in 100 ml of water for 2-3 min., squeeze the juice, drink 1 tablespoon diluted with water 1:1 than 3 times per day.

Drinks with hawthorn during or after a meal. Duration of course month, after 1-2 weeks, repeat the treatment.

On the restoration of potency in men homeopathic celery, improves blood circulation, increases the production of testosterone. You take in a month in the Form of soups, salads, and tinctures.

For the preparation of the supperior reliability:

  • chop the carrots, onion (1 piece) and potatoes (2-3 PCs.);
  • Boil in water (2 L) for 5-10 min.;
  • 4-5 stalks add finely chopped celery;
  • Salt, spices to taste, stir;
  • for a few minutes until cooked add a handful of chopped celery leaves and serve with sour cream.

To improve the potency man of the infusion made from the nettle is ready, helps a glass of boiling water 1 tablespoon of dried or fresh crushed leaves of the plant. 15-20 minutes, take after Breakfast and lunch, are divided into two portions.

Way to help with erectile dysfunction, lemon grass, Epilobium, parsley, St. John's wort, fireweed and fees of these medicinal herbs.

Among the natural remedies that improve Libido in men the special place the contrast takes a rich exposure to heat. Fluctuations in temperature strengthen the General immune system, normalize the Tonus of the blood vessels, relieve Stress, improve erection and duration of Sex.

Water applications


Helps the potency increase to the showers in the home. He brought the man to benefit, you have to the rules:

  • the procedure is carried out daily;
  • for the first session, the temperature difference should be small, to increase in the future;
  • in case of correct execution by 20-30 sec. the temperature of the water should be comfortably perceived;
  • Duration of the procedure, 5-15 min.;
  • finish with cold water.

After showering Massage skin hard towel.


The use of this medical remedy to improve the potency in men due to the influence on active points on the soles.

How to:

  • To moisten 2 is shown a yellow card in warm water;
  • for the soles of the shot, warm socks stick to one;
  • in the supine position 10-15 min resist.

The remains of a light beige with warm water washed. Dried soles, massaging hard with a towel or glove.


This procedure hardens the body due to the effect of grass, Sand, small pebble stones on acupressure points on the soles. Homeopathy, as acupressure, including the points on the responsible for male potency. The improvement of the Libido, the man is regularly walking barefoot.

Opportunities to gain of blood flow into the Penis

Male potency can restore them with the help of physical exercises, proper diet, avoiding harmful habits.

Improvement of the blood supply in the organs of the small pelvis help of simple exercises, which make in the morning, lying in bed:

  1. Lie straight, legs stretched out, arms to the body. Tighten the abdominal muscles for a few seconds. 20-30 times, repeat.
  2. This exercise is carried out in the same position, only now a maximum of the muscles of the perineum straining, buttocks relaxed.
  3. You bow to the king's meadow, bringing the heel to the buttocks. Based on the hands and feet, lift the pelvis as high as possible, Pause in this Position for 8-10 seconds. Repeat the movement at least 10 times.

The following exercises, make apart, with the feet in the starting position, shoulder width:

  1. Hands behind the head or at the waist. 20 times the pelvis in a clockwise direction, then against it. The number of approaches – 3.
  2. Standing on the spot, hip lift and try the king's meadow on the chest press. After 1-2 min. to speed up the pace. Duration of 5 min.
  3. Keep your Hand on your belt, legs, a deep lunge forward with the right foot. You stay in this Position for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat with the left foot. 10 exercise 2 approach.

One of the methods, the Massage is the improvement of the potency to at home quick. Not dealt damage, it should be very gentle: all movements should be pain soft, be careful not to cause.

Heated hands, will make testicular Massage to improve circulation:

  • tap him with your finger tips;
  • wrapping your testicles with the palm of your hand from below (thumbs up), the light caresses, at the same time, the detection of the scrotum;
  • you with one Hand to lift the skin of the scrotum, massaging the other testicle, then the hands vary;
  • took the testicles in the Hand, slightly turning it clockwise or counter-clockwise.

It is desirable that the Massage of the prostate has the partner, as they lead you through the rectum. To sterile rubber gloves and brushes, the lubricant, seamless Finger injected into the Anus to a depth of 4-5 cm, lost prostate. Massaged her soft flowing circular movements.

Massage the Penis to create knead in contact with the lubricant. The direction of movement of the base to the head.

The whole procedure takes 8-10 min. In the case of disorders of potency due to poor blood circulation, Massage each and every day.

Improving the potency helps carved Massage by pressing the fingertips on certain areas of for the sexual attraction and activity. You land on the body of the man in the middle of the hand, soles of the feet, solar plexus, above the sacrum.

This Massage allows for both the erection and increase the process of sexual arousal. Make it a day for 2-3 weeks.

  1. Light-beige, the points activate helps on the soles of the feet in connection with the outflow of blood from the leg to the genitals.
  2. You need to immerse yourself in the warm water and attach to each foot. Warm socks and keep this in the Sauna for the feet for about 10 minutes.
  3. After completion of washing the feet first, mainly in the warm, and then a little in the cool water. Then RUB the feet dry with a towel. This method of application of mustard plasters as a in men folk medicine highlighting the potency quickly and in a short time.

So you increase the potency in the home, the right diet

Improvement of the blood supply to the genitals of the man, brightening of the mood, the loss of mental and physical stress – all of this contributes to a full-fledged diet.


The effectiveness of the many spices in relation to the improvement of the potency demonstrated:

  • Ginger in the tea, together with lemon;
  • Garlic to increase the potency added to meat, vegetable dishes, he is good in the pump for the Winter;
  • the leaves of celery used in salads;
  • Cilantro (coriander) use in fresh and dried Form for the production of the first and second plates.

It is recommended to note that some of the spices there are contraindications – acute and chronic diseases of the digestive system, of the heart.

Honey for the restoration of potency, used as a sedative that improves the Tonus of the vessels in the medium.

The regular consumption of Breakfast and lunch, tea with honey and ginger increases the production of testosterone. A similar effect has honey, fruits mixed with nuts or dry.

Nuts contain a number of substances that have a positive impact on male potency. To cure the consumption of nuts in moderation as the erectile dysfunction and to prevent diseases of the sexual organs. The most effective in this regard;

  • Walnuts;
  • Pistachios;
  • Hazelnut;
  • Cashew;
  • Peanuts.

Tasty and very useful mixture is made up of several types of chopped nuts and dried fruits (50 G). On each glass of the mixture, add 1 tbsp. L. honey, mix, store in the refrigerator. Take 1 Tbsp. L. before the meal and a few hours before the sexual contact.

Protein-Rich Food

For potentiality increase at men the menu should have a lot of proteins, the vessels, the strengthening of the muscles, the blood, improve the function of the heart and the movement of the sperm.

Thus, the body must always be enough Protein present in your diet:

  • Chicken or quail eggs, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • any lean meat, fish, dairy products, salads and appetizers;
  • low-fat Kefir, yogurt;

On the day the sea, eating protein fruits: shrimps, clams, crabs, and other should stop, greasy and fried foods.

Can and fruit

Get rid of erectile dysfunction herbal products to help the a large amount of vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, trace elements:

  • Beets, tomatoes, carrots, beet contribute to increasing the Libido;
  • Grapes improves blood circulation in the genitals;
  • Figs homeopathic a positive impact on the quality of the sperm;
  • Raspberries, lemons, oranges increase the production of testosterone;
  • Pomegranate normalizes erections.

You can increase the potency of it prepared juices.